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Web Hosting Security Best Practices

Web Hosting Security: 8 Best Practices

Web Hosting Security Best Practices
A website is essential for an Internet business to reach many customers. When using the internet in the modern era, nothing is safe. Anything can get hacked on the internet. As technology progresses, websites are more prone to be hacked or attacked. Web hosting has got your back for managing a secure website. If a web host is safe and fast, a website will be more secure and easier to find on the internet. So, maintaining web hosting security is a must.
In this article, we will include some of the important ways to implement web hosting security best practices for you.

What Should You Do For Web Hosting Security?

Secure Web Host

First of all, you should choose the right web hosting provider that provides the best service. There are millions of hosting providers nowadays that provide this service, but all of them aren’t the best.

Hosting companies like Bluehost, Hostinger, and Hostgator are famous for providing the best web hosting services. If you are a small business owner, here we recommend some of the best web hosting providers for small business websites in this included link.
We strongly recommend you use Host Service to host your website.

After choosing your hosting provider, look for some security features that we are going to talk about below.

Use SSL/HTTPS for Encryption

Using the SSL certificate, or HTTPS, is one of the most important and necessary features for securing a website. Search for this feature at your web hosting provider.
SSL means Secure Socket Layer, which creates an encrypted connection between a browser and a web server. This connection protects your website’s data from getting hacked or lost.

The latest version of this feature is TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.2+, which offers more encryption. An HTTPS URL with a lock icon on the browser indicates active SSL protection. Using SSL showcases your security commitment and assists with SEO rankings.

Regularly Update Software

If a website or app is old and has a weak security system, it is more likely to be attacked by cybercriminals.
Use automatic updates for CMS platforms like WordPress and e-commerce solutions like Magento. Check that your web host runs current PHP and MySQL database versions. Also, confirm that OS patches are regularly installed on servers.

Install Web Application Firewalls

One of the most important features is firewall protection, which stops malicious attacks and prevents unauthorized access to your website. Another important feature is malware scanning and removal, which helps in the detection and removal of any dangerous code that may have attacked your website.
Leading web hosting providers offer built-in, proactive web application firewall protection.

Activate Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra security layer by requiring dual credentials for admin logins. This combines something you know (like a password) with something you have (such as a verification mobile app).

Ensure hosting control panels and CMS platforms feature 2FA so your login credentials are never the lone barrier. Additionally, it requires administrators to use password managers to generate and securely store account passwords.

Carefully Check Plugins and Themes

Third-party plugins and themes can introduce vulnerabilities to CMS platforms like WordPress- which powers over 35% of all sites. If possible, limit the number of plugins you use, or carefully check them before installing. Use these 10 important WordPress plugins to keep your site secure.

Prefer well-supported premium plugins/themes over questionable free options. Avoid abandoned open-source projects and anything with known vulnerabilities. Regularly check plugins/themes for updates to ensure available patches are applied.

Backup Your Website

Backups ensure important stability in the case of natural disasters. Ensure your web host features sufficient built-in backup capabilities. This includes a daily/weekly automated database, file backups, and backup retention duration.

You can further supplement by exporting XML backups for CMS installs, replicating databases, syncing filesystems, and storing copies off-site. Test restores periodically to confirm backups are valid and functioning properly.

Use a Strong Password and Other Access Credentials

Apply strong password policies and limits across all hosting provider services, including control panels, databases, CMS installs, FTP accounts, SSH logins, etc. Create a minimum 12-character password comprised of mixed-case letters, numbers, and special symbols that are unique across accounts and changed every 90 days.

Restrict admin login attempts, block common password dictionary words, and implement IP-allow listing so that admin access is only granted from specific office IP addresses.

The Bottom Line,
The above features 8 must-follow website and server security basics for web hosting security. Speak to your managed hosting provider about further ways to lock down site access, limit user permissions, isolate threats, and monitor activity. By being proactive, you can help strengthen your online presence against security dangers.

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